Instituto Superior Técnico

Programa de Desenvolvimento de Carreiras para Professores e Investigadores do IST

Assessment of the Tenure-Track Period

The Tenure-Track Period Monitoring Committee (CAPE, in Portuguese) is composed by a President and two members, all faculty with tenure from the same or related scientific areas, who assist the President in the process of mentoring and appraisal of the Assistant Professor/Researcher during his/her tenure-track period. One of the two CAPE’s members should belong to a Department different from that of the Assistant Professor/Researcher. The mentor is the President of the CAPE.

The CAPE meets formally with the Assistant Professor/Researcher at least annually to review and discuss his/her annual progress report, providing comments to the Assistant Professor/ Researcher and to the Department’s President.

The President of the Department meets with the Assistant Professor/Researcher in tenure-track period to annually review the activity developed in its various aspects, taking into account the report prepared by himself/herself and the report from CAPE.

The President of the Department should ensure that teaching service assigned to Assistant Professors minimizes the dispersion on different courses, with a relevant component for more advanced courses and closer to their scientific experience, facilitating the access to potential master’s students.

Management or coordination positions should not be assigned to Assistant Professors/Researchers during the tenure-track period.

The phases of the activity evaluation are indicated in the diagram, which marks the milestones for the delivery of progress reports, intermediate reports and final report, by the PAX/IAX (see Academic Record Model), the corresponding reviews/appraisals, and a partial sabbatical leave that should be taken in the last semester.

The annual assessment and counseling reports, endorsed by the Department’s President, are part of the process submitted to the Scientific Council for evaluation purposes. The annual reports shall complement the periodic report(s), the frequency of which should be defined by the Department, and instructed in an equivalent manner regarding the opinions requested internally within the “Regulamento Relativo ao Regime de Vinculação e Avaliação da Atividade Desenvolvida no Período Experimental pelos Professores do Instituto Superior Técnico” (ver Modelo do Pedido de Parecer).

The entire follow-up process and the career evaluation of the Assistant Professors/Researchers is described in “Programa de Acompanhamento dos Professores e Investigadores Auxiliares em Período Experimental do IST“.


More information: (this page refers exclusively to the Final Review, since the Annual Reviews described above are restricted to the Department of the Assistant Professor/Researcher).