Instituto Superior Técnico

Programa de Desenvolvimento de Carreiras para Professores e Investigadores do IST

Start-up Funds

All the Assistant Professors in the tenure-track period, covered by the “Regulamento Relativo ao Regime de Vinculação e Avaliação da Atividade Desenvolvida no Período Experimental pelos Professores do Instituto Superior Técnico”, can access the Start-Up Funds Program.

Assistant Professors must explicitly express their interest to the IST President by submitting an application that includes the pedagogical scientific project submitted in the call for Assistant Professor and a justified budget proposal, following the items of the FCT projects. The finds are allocated according to the following principles:

  • The total value = A (sabbatical license financing) + B1 (fixed amount to ensure the minimum conditions to support the Assistant Professor’s work) + B2 (variable value depending on the project submitted and its experimental intensity level, subject to negotiation with the IST Vice-President for Financial Affairs).
  • The Start-Up Funds project is managed through a specific project managed by the IST Project Management Department.
  • The Start-Up Funds project is opened until the 42nd month after the signature of the Assistant Professor contract; the B component of the financing can only be executed until month 36 after the beginning of the contract between IST and the Assistant Professor.
  • The balance of the Start-Up Funds project cannot be transferred to other projects and the remaining balance reverts to the financing of new Start-Up Funds projects.